Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I'll have to stop!!!

Last week I was supposed to add the binding to the Polar Bear quilt, but instead this is what I ended up doing;  I pulled out all my Christmas fabrics from the cabinet! Well, this is not ALL, 1/4 is still left in the cabinet. I wonder how many projects I can make out of all those fabrics?! :))

I had in mind to make a table runner and had already decided on a couple of blocks. When I pulled out the bag with leftovers from the ' Snow Wonderland' by 'Whimsicals' - I knew I had to make something out of it and forgotten was the other project! Here's one of the projects I'm working on; a place mat. 
Aren't those snowmen just too cute?!

Here's another project; table runner... going to be...

...and another table runner to be...

Per today I have five table runners and two place mats to finish - hence the heading of this post! I'll have to stop, because my sewing table is covered in projects waiting to be finished! I bought those fabrics for a specific project back in April 2008! I made this wall quilt. To make it a bit more 'special' to me, I've added beads around each star so that it sparkles in the light and I've added snowmen buttons in the middle of each snowball block. I made this quilt before I started blogging, so there's no photo of it on my blog, (except under 'a few of my works' slide show at the left sidebar).  I think I'll pull it out and take some photos later on, when these projects are done....

You can see more from Whimsicals (click) here.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

wow I barely even think about Christmas until 30 days before hand :) I don't make much in the line of quilting for Christmas. Have fun with your projects.

PJs Lapperier said...

Så kan det gå! Man börjar rota i ett hörn av syrummet och slutar med att sitta och något som man inte allst tänkt:o)
Men du ligger ju i alla fall i fas med årstiden med dina projekt...det är ju snart jul.

Elzaan said...

You are a very naughty woman :-) You are letting projects get the better of you! But then again, don't we all have that problem? LOL Your projects looks great, and that stash is just fantastic! Enjoy the projects and fabric.

Josephine Yap said...

Your blocks are so nice and the snowman are so cute! I love your stash! Wish you are my neighbour and we can sew together-gather :))

Sigrun said...

Åhhh som jeg kjenner meg igjen:-)). Bare fortsett å sy det som faller deg inn der og da, alt trenger ikke bli ferdig med en gang. Jeg tror at det er godt for kreativiteten å flere ting på gang samtidig. Løperene kommer d til å bli flotte .

Michelle said...

Good for you, for thinking ahead! They are all going to be lovely projects.

Lappedamen said...

Måtte le litt, dette virket velkjent. Lykke til med juleprosjektene, det er godt å være tidlig ute.

Queen Of The Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries said...

How fabulous to see this here Astrid...I recently purchased a kit but not all the snowmen fabrics were in it as she had run out...Those snowmen are very cute!!!