Monday, February 24, 2025

Country Charm is a Flimsy

I'm thrilled to have 'Country Charm' as a Flimsy!
What is a flimsy, you may ask? A completed quilt top that is not quilted, nor does it have batting or batting, just the top. 

I finished the top in January, but never got around taking photos, until some days ago.
I did not intend finishing the top this quick, but I got totally obsessed by all those 2" squares collected from swaps. The 2.5" (HST) are from my own cut squares. 

Look at all those yummy squares! 

Who does not go dizzy or cross-eyed working with all those squares?! 

I did! Do you see the errors? Two HST's were sewn in the wrong way. So glad I discovered it at this stage, not when the quilt is under the needle! 

All fixed! 

According to the pattern, it is made of 2412 2" squares and 504 2.5" squares (the latter  used for the HSTs). 
Did it make a dent in my boxes containing 2" squares? It sure did, but it's not even visible! 

The floral 108" wide backing I bought recently, is for this quilt. 
I'm not sure when I'll sandwich and quilt it. I have a few other quilts already thread basted and ready for quilting. Yet to decide which one I will try to finish next month. 

Saturday, February 22, 2025

RSC Week 8 - Blue Cups and Curves

Last Saturday in February already!
More blue blocks have been made for the RSC (Rainbow Scrap Challenge) hosted by Angela at Superscrappy

Curves for 'Eclipse'

3 big blocks

...and 3 small blocks

Cups for 'Coffee with Dad'

I LOVE the gecko fabric and I had just enough left for one cup! 

Two scrappy blocks

These will go together with the accumulation (!) of 36-patches (made from 2.5") I've made earlier. You can see some of them here (UFOs/WIPs #2) 

Linking up with Angela and the RSC (Rainbow Scrap Challenge)

Thursday, February 20, 2025

SSD, and look what got delivered yesterday

This year, is the year of SSD and finish UFOs (at least some)! My goal is one UFO a month, so let's see how that goes. 
You all know what UFOs are and how they accumulate when we are sleeping!
SSD, you may ask? Strict-Stash-Diet! Yes, this year I'm on SSD, which means I won't buy 'unnecessary' fabrics 'just because' they are beautiful! That said, there may be some Advent Calendar panels for my Etsy shop later this year. 

Look what got delivered yesterday! 

While I was working on 'Tomten's Quilt' and 'Dwellings' (House quilt), I ran out of grey and red to finish both tops. They are UFOs #16 and #18 on my UFO list.
The beautiful 108" floral is backing for 'Country Charm' - UFO #33. It's a big quilt and I don't feel for doing another pieced backing.

Well, maybe not necessary, but some notions were added too

Mat cleaning pad and cleaning brushes for the sewing machine. 
A needed Aurifil thread too. 
I have yet to try the mat cleaning pad. My cutting mat is long overdue for cleaning, I hope it works! Have any of you tried it? 

Sometimes we deserve a little gift to ourselves, don't we? 
I've been quilting like a mad woman the last couple of weeks (every day) to finish my New York Beauty UFO. I'm happy to say the last stitch on the binding was done February 18! (Another blogpost coming soon). 

This is my deserved gift:

Well, not wine these days, it's way too hot. Coffee & Quilt; definitely YES! 
I just couldn't resist this one! 

Do you have a soft spot for coffee mugs? 
I have! 
Early Thursday more here, I'm off to make COFFEE! 


Saturday, February 1, 2025

RSC Week 5 - February is BLUE and a Squirrel popped In

Happy February!
Where did January go?!

February; it means a new RSC (Rainbow Scrap Color). Angela at SuperScrappy has chosen BLUE for this month. 

Three blue cups are made. 
I'll make maybe two or three more.

I didn't expect the squirrel to visit! It was good in a way, I needed a short break from quilting ten place mats for a customer. 

This is what the squirrel got me to do:

5 scrappy blocks using pink (January RSC color) in the center. 

...and three blue. 
Do you see the pink and blue cats? 

I got to use a few more pink (5" squares trimmed to 4.5"), a variety of 2.5" squares and bits and pieces of white and cream. Everything counts to reduce stash!
Does this block have a name?

My idea is to use these together with some of the 36-patches I've already made.
UFO / WIPs #2 - UFO list 2025 

I have made so many 36-patches using 2.5" squares, now I'm running out of variety. I had a lot from swaps (all used up after making bed quilts!) as well as my own cut squares. I have cut squares from 1.5" to 5". This was March 2016, and I'm happy to say quite a lot has been used!

Linking up with Angela and RSC (Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2025) 
Linking up with Melva Loves Scraps for Sew & Tell Monday

This photo was shot a few evenings ago. Fog rolls in at Corps de Garde mountain.
I never get tired of watching clouds / fog, especially during the rainy- and cyclone season when it can be quite impressive.