I'm thrilled to have 'Country Charm' as a Flimsy!
What is a flimsy, you may ask? A completed quilt top that is not quilted, nor does it have batting or batting, just the top.
I finished the top in January, but never got around taking photos, until some days ago.
I did not intend finishing the top this quick, but I got totally obsessed by all those 2" squares collected from swaps. The 2.5" (HST) are from my own cut squares.
Who does not go dizzy or cross-eyed working with all those squares?!
I did! Do you see the errors? Two HST's were sewn in the wrong way. So glad I discovered it at this stage, not when the quilt is under the needle!
All fixed!
According to the pattern, it is made of 2412 2" squares and 504 2.5" squares (the latter used for the HSTs).
Did it make a dent in my boxes containing 2" squares? It sure did, but it's not even visible!
The floral 108" wide backing I bought recently, is for this quilt.
I'm not sure when I'll sandwich and quilt it. I have a few other quilts already thread basted and ready for quilting. Yet to decide which one I will try to finish next month.