Thursday, December 24, 2009

Baking for Christmas - part two

After "Baking for Christmas" (part one) - I wasn't sure I was going to make more cookies. After some days I decided to make "sandkaker" and "fyrstekake". Sandkaker is one of the "must" for a Norwegian Christmas. I had never made sandkaker before either... Well, they turned out thicker than what they were supposed to be, but.... what to expect from a novice?! :)) The taste is so yummy, because of the grounded almonds in the dough.

I don't think "fyrstekake" is another "must" for Christmas, but I made it because I just love it! :) The name of the cake can be translated to "the prince's cake" - but actually it is a macaroon cake.

The last days I've been busy with the last preparations for Christmas. I was going to take some photos of the trees etc, but I realized the batteries have to be reloaded first. For me, Christmas is today - Dec 24th - but since it is tomorrow for DH - we celebrate both days. More about that in my next post. :)


Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

Kakene ser kjempegode ut; jeg ble plutselig sulten...
Her hos meg damper pinnekjøttet for fulle mugger, og kålerabien er på kok. Det skal nok bli jul i år og:-)
Nina Lise

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

Merry Christmas to you both and the baking looks wonderful.