We have been gardening today! After the rain last week and before, as well as the heat and humidity, all plants, flowers and weeds grow with record speed. We couldn't do anything outside last week due to rain. Usually I get up before sunrise each morning and today was no exception. I started cutting the grass - one hour or so after sunrise :)) - with a huge garden scissor, because the grass was too long for the manual mower. I don't mind such work, but I don't last long in this climate. Today I was surprised by myself, because I managed to do more than I intended too. :) DH did part of the road, which was needed too and removed the grass I cut. After three hours work I was too tired to continue, had something to eat, and a snooze. I hope to do more work in the garden tomorrow, but meteo has predicted thunderstorms tonight and tomorrow, so I don't know how it will be tomorrow morning - if it is possible to continue.
Our three "Brunfelsia's Pauciflora" are covered with white and purple flowers! The flowers have a very sweet smell that comes out especially in the night. The plant has many names; "yesterday-today-tomorrow", "Francisea", "Lady of the Night", Jasmin d"Afrique" etc.
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