Saturday, June 8, 2024

RSC Week #23 - More Blues

June is a busy month here at Grandma's Red Needle. 
BLUE was selected by Angela at SuperScrappy as the RSC - Rainbow Scrap Challenge - color for June. 

I have several blue WIPs and with the head start last week, I made several blocks for some of the WIPs. 

This week I've made 

4 Scrap Jar blocks

New BOM block from Sherri McConnel, 'A Quilting Life'

I'm currently working on BLUE Advent Calendars (no photos yet) for my Etsy Shop 
I like to start early, to avoid 'stress-sewing' closer to the Advent Season. 

Linking up with Angela and RSC - Rainbow Scrap Challenge


Julierose said...

Just lovely blue blocks. Astrid;)))) Nice work hugs, Julierose

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

at the rate I am going with my RSC quilts I will miss both the pink month of blocks and the blue! I will catch up eventually

Sara said...

Such pretty blocks! I especially love the Scrap Jar blocks.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Pretty blue Scrap Jar Stars! I love that block!

Jenny said...

Nice blue blocks, everything is looking great.

Chantal said...

Love your blue blocks. I spotted a print that I also have in that last picture. Enjoy! ;^)

Karen S said...

Gorgeous blue stars. They all look lovely.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Of course I love those wonderful blues - pretty blocks!