Saturday, June 22, 2024

RSC Week #25 - Never ending Blues

 How did it come it's midsummer already?! 
This year, so far, has flown by with record speed.

I missed last Saturday's RSC posting. We took advantage of the sunny weather and did some (never ending!) yard work. I'm glad we did, Sunday it was pouring rain, and rain showers ever since. I did grocery shopping and went for a walk this afternoon, it was pouring rain just after I returned home.

What has been going on the last two weeks? 
I've quilted and added pockets to 6 blue Advent Calendars for my Etsy Shop. Sleeves are added too. I ran out of red for binding, re-ordered and it was delivered yesterday.
I thought I had enough silver metallic thread for to quilt three other blue calendars. I'm quite organized when it comes to sewing threads, they are all in plastic containers, sorted on brands. When I found one almost empty silver metallic spool, I knew that is what I have left. It was just enough to quilt one calendar, not enough to stitch down the pockets. More is on the way, I should get it by next week. (Sorry, no photos of the calendars yet).

More Step blocks have been made for Star Streams
'Of course' I ran out of white-on-white background fabric! More is on the way, not sure when I'll get it. 

Some Zipper blocks were made too.

I'm also working on a blue table runner for the buffet in our TV-room. Hopefully I have photos for my next 'blue' blogpost. 

Linking up with Angela and the RSC - Rainbow Scrap Challenge



LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That Star Streams design is a neat one! (And free, too - I'll have to download that one.) Pretty zipper blocks - time for me to make a few of those as well. Have a great week?

Sara said...

So much scrappy goodness going on!!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Such a lovely variety of BLUE scraps, Astrid! Here's hoping your new supply of background fabric arrives soon.

Chantal said...

Some people pray for rain and others pray for sunshine. I hope the sun pays you a visit soon. Love all your blocks; lovely blue prints in there. Enjoy! ;^)

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

so many nice blocks that you have. Garden work never ends does it. How is everything going on your side of the world?

Jenny said...

You have achieved a nice lot of block sewing this week. Hope your supplies arrive in good time so you can continue stitching away to your hearts content.

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

I love your beautiful blue projects!

Marit Johanne said...

I love the blue!

Susie H said...

You sure have a lot to look forward to this upcoming week -- so many goodies "on the way"! Very pretty zipper blocks!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I'm certainly enjoying seeing all the wonderful blues! It's most aggravating to run out of something right when you're wanting to use it - hopefully it all comes quickly.