Wednesday, December 30, 2020

APQ UFO Challenge 2020: , July, August and September Finishes

 APQ and Quiltsy Team's UFO Challenge #5 (mine #17) JULY finish

This large table topper or small lap quilt was finished at the end of May 2020, but I never got around to take photos until some days ago. I had fun fussy cutting the deer fabric and make them into a log cabin quilt. 

Actually I have TWO finishes for August!  APQ #8 (my list #9). Two quilted and beaded wall hangings. They were finished (the sewing part) during the lock-down (April & May), but without beads. I ordered Mill Hill beads from the UK in July and due to Covid-19 and flight disruptions, the package took 2 months to get here! Under normal conditions, mail from the UK takes less than two weeks. The snowflakes and stars are beaded. More details here

This one with red borders, which I'll keep. I love the snowman scene. 

September finish, APQ #10 (my list #8)

Snowman wall hanging. I declare this one as finished! Even if a few beads are yet to be added. I ordered more beads from the UK early November, I think it was, I don't think I'll get them before next year. 


#1 – Log Cabin #1 (my list #13) April – FINISHED 

#2 – PSQ / Pinwheel Lap Quilt (my list #10) January – FINISHED!   

#3 – Scrappy 2” strips (my list #15) November - FINISHED!  

#4 – Black/White Wall Hanging (my list #7) December – NOT finished  

#5 – Deer Log Cabin TT (my list #17) July – FINISHED 

#6 – Nifty Nurses WH (my list #3) October - FINISHED!  

#7 – Log Cabin #3 (my list #18) March – FINISHED!   

#8 – Snowman Village WH (my list #9) August – FINISHED 

#9 – Log Cabin #2 (my list #14) February – FINISHED!   

#10 – Snowman Village Attic Window (my list #8) September – FINISHED! 

#11 – Scrappy 1” squares quilt (my list #16) June - FINISHED!  

#12 – Star batik quilt (my list #12) May – FINISHED! 

Out of 12 UFO's for 2020, I have 11 finishes! Not that bad, huh?! :) #4 is supposed to be an art quilt, I have yet to figure out how to do it the way I have pictured it in my head! lol

Any of you doing the APQ UFO CHALLENGE 2021? I think its time to count my UFO's. There may be more than I can think of right now! 😮


Saturday, December 12, 2020

Crumb Quilting - Another Insanity Project

 Hello everyone!

We all have scraps in boxes and bins, don't we? Tell me if you don't have scraps! I am no exception! I find it very hard to throw pieces that actually can be used. I cut squares in sizes from 1.5 up to 5 inches. I have done pretty well with 1.5 and 2.5 inches, but the other sizes are still in boxes. 

For some years, I have saved HST's, 1.5 inches strips, error and leftover blocks. The idea was to make a scrappy HST quilt, but.... I love HST quilts, they are beautiful, but for me, I'm not a big fan of piecing HST's, I find it rather boring. 

This is how my sewing table has looked like this week; HST's, error blocks, leftover blocks etc. Take a look top right, do you spot the pineapple blocks? I have 15 blocks. I want to make one more and then I can add all the blocks together for a wall hanging. The idea was to make a bed quilt, but now I have got other ideas for the strips. 

This is my first attempt on crumb quilting. I started out with that small cow panel (top right). This piece is made up of 3 rectangle blocks, each measuring 15.5 x 24.5 inches.  

This block measures 12.5 inch square. I'm not sure whether I'll leave it this size or make it 15.5 inches square... 

I had so much fun making these blocks! Love seeing some of my 'old' fabric again and turn them into a new quilt! 


Saturday, December 5, 2020

APQ UFO Challenge 2020: October and November Finishes

The weeks since my previous post have flown by like a whirlwind! I've been busy painting the bath/wash room, TV-room and part of the staircase. I can't say the reno is completed; a few things are left to be done. The reno has kept me away from sewing and I have enjoyed the break from sewing and doing something else! The Christmas Quilt top is done, that's all the sewing I've done lately. 

During the lock-down (April & May), I was determined to finish as many UFO's as possible. What else to do when you're not allowed to get out, except for grocery shopping twice a week?! Here are a few more finishes.  

This is APQ & Quiltsy Team's UFO challenge #3 (mine #15), November challenge

Another scrappy quilt, a lap quilt size. 

It is made of several 1.5" x 2.5" rectangles and 1.5" squares. Yep, insanity! LOL 

I had to be a bit creative with the back since I didn't have enough of the main fabric.

Some of the strips are fabric from years back, when I started quilting. Fun to work with them again. 

UFO Challenge #6 (mine #3) October challenge

Nurse Wall Hanging




#1 – Log Cabin #1 (my list #13) April – FINISHED 

#2 – PSQ / Pinwheel Lap Quilt (my list #10) January – FINISHED!   

#3 – Scrappy 2” strips (my list #15) November - FINISHED!  

#4 – Black/White Wall Hanging (my list #7) December – NOT finished  

#5 – Deer Log Cabin TT (my list #17) July – FINISHED - photos missing 

#6 – Nifty Nurses WH (my list #3) October - FINISHED!  

#7 – Log Cabin #3 (my list #18) March – FINISHED!   

#8 – Snowman Village WH (my list #9) August – FINISHED - photos missing  

#9 – Log Cabin #2 (my list #14) February – FINISHED!   

#10 – Snowman Village Attic Window (my list #8) September - partly finished  

#11 – Scrappy 1” squares quilt (my list #16) June - FINISHED!  

#12 – Star batik quilt (my list #12) May – FINISHED! 


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Scrappy Christmas quilt - progress

 Thank you everyone for your comments on my previous post!

It has been some busy few weeks. I decided to paint one of the bathrooms and the top floor porch. It has been 13 years since the interior of our house was painted, I think it's high time to repaint! (It took time to convince DH! LOL). Going from yellow to light grey with a touch of lime green in the bath/wash room, it looks so much better! We are almost there, left to do some drilling - (do I need to say I hate concrete walls?!) - and getting things in order again. 

In between painting and running errands during daytime, I've enjoyed sewing very early mornings and late nights. I must say making scrappy quilts indeed are addictive! It may be a bit tedious sewing many same size squares together, but it makes me happy! 😊

These are the last two rows. I have left to make one full and one half blocks before I can put it all together. 

My sewing table this morning. It may look like a mess, but I have full control! lol I'm running low on green and red Christmas fabric. That's OK, feels good to use up bits and pieces. 
Looking at the photo; don't you think it's time to make a new sewing machine cover?! 



Wednesday, October 7, 2020

I'm Sew Scrap Excited...

.... engrossed in scraps, I even forgot to take an afternoon nap yesterday!

You may wonder what has happened? Due to Covid-19 and flight interruptions, purchasing fabric from the US (as I usually do) is very limited, and expensive! (Fedex Express Shipping) Therefore, I haven't bought much fabric this year, which is a very good thing! After making some Christmas items, I'm running low on Christmas fabric. Not that I'm running out of Christmas fabric, but you know, those leftovers from other projects that can't be used for anything else than scrap quilts or applique. 

We all love looking for ideas, don't we? My favorite is Pinterest and there are tons of ideas for scrappy quilts. I did not really have in mind to make a scrappy Christmas quilt, but when I saw this pattern, I knew I just have to! I bought the pattern!!! 😊 

 I spent almost all day yesterday going through and cut some fabric scraps. 

I decided to go for scrappy grey as the background for the star. This is not enough, but at least it is a start!

Some of the red and green scraps


The first block is born! 

This is also a star pattern I've not made before. It was fun to make. I may not have the same opinion after making 18 + 6 half star blocks! LOL I will alternate green and red in the blocks. First I was thinking I use one color for the star only, but I'm glad I decided against it. I think the quilt will look more cheerful with two colors stars. What do you think? Also, for this block, I didn't have enough of the green for one color block. 

It's early Wednesday morning; time for the first cuppa of the day! Enjoy!