Saturday, May 25, 2024

RSC Week #20 - No more PINK...

 ...I said, in my previous post

I have admired the Hollow 9-patch blocks some of you are making and since some 2-1/2" pink squares were hiding on the table, I decided to make a few blocks

I got 3 blocks

I've been lurking at Pat Sloan's '182 Day Solstice Challenge Blocks' for some time and I really love how her quilt turned out. Isn't it pretty? 
Today (Thursday) I decided to jump into it and make a few pink blocks! It doesn't harm to use up more stash, does it?! 
From left; 

Block #1 - Churndash
Block #3 - Tide Pool
Block #23 - Eureka

There are 25 blocks and I'll do them in RSC (Rainbow Scrap Challenge)

Now the table is free from pink! lol

Linking up with Angela and the Rainbow Scrap Challenge


Magpie's Mumblings said...

Glad you were able to finish the pinks. It was fun to go and take a peek at the solstice quilt project and I can see why you'd be intrigued. Will be fun to watch your progress on it.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

There's always a block or two that entice me - including the Hollow 9s. Yours are pretty in pink!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Pretty in pink quilt blocks. I really like Eureka. Sounds like you have been staying busy.

grammajudyb said...

I wish I could say “no more pink”! I seem to more left whenever I sew scraps! How is that possible!? I will go that a peek at the Soltice Quilt. Maybe I’ll get inspired ! Your blocks are sure pretty!

Jenny said...

Now you are fresh from pink you sill be ready for blue. So pleased you are joining in with the Hollow Nines, I resisted for a little while then had to start making them too.

Susie H said...

I think Pat Sloan is great for us quilters. Her solstice quilt is pretty magnificent but I think yours in RSC will be even more stunning! Will you save a particular color for that gorgeous center block???? Hope you're having a wonderful weekend! said...

I like your pink blocks! Those hollow nines are ones that I've been trying hard to resist. . .the more I see them, the more my inner squirrel, Geriie, whispers in my ear to start making them!!!

Jeanna said...

All of your blocks look great! I love the pinks in your 9-patches.