Saturday, March 1, 2025

RSC Week 9 - March is Yellow


It's the first Saturday in March and many of us are ready for RSC (Rainbow Scrap Challenge) show and tell. Angela at SuperScrappy has chosen YELLOW  for spring! 

I prefer doing the RSC blocks at the beginning of each month, after Angela has chosen the color. When they are done, I'm 'free' to do whatever. 
My goal this year is to finish some UFOs, so let's see how that works out his month. 

I had almost forgotten I'm doing Pat Sloan's '182 Day Solstice Challenge'! 
I started the BOM in May 2024, and you can see the blocks here, here, here, and here
The blocks are different sizes; smallest are 12-1/2", biggest is 32-1/2", and a few other sizes in between. There are 19 of the smallest size - 12-1/2" - I made 13 last year. 

I have put off the bigger blocks, waiting for the 'right' color. 
Solstice, what color comes to your mind? I'm thinking Summer Solstice; YELLOW
The center block is called 'Among the Stars'. 
Summer Solstice & Stars = YELLOW! 

Among the Stars - Block 9/25

Block measures 32-1/2" / 82.5 cm square

I kept it to SPRING

Spring fever - block 17/25

Other yellow scrap blocks

Coffee with Dad - 4 blocks

...and it happened I had a yellow cat too! 

5 Scrappy blocks
Does any of you know what this block is called? 

2 blocks for Eclipse
(House cores are calling, I'll make a few more later)

Linking up with Angela and RSC (Rainbow Scrap Challenge) 

Rainy and windy all week while cyclone 'Garance' was in the area. We got 'cyclone warning class #3', which means most of the island were shut down. Its center passed about 136 miles / 220 km to the west on the nearest point. Yesterday the cyclone warning was lifted and we had the most cyclonic conditions with gusts up to 62 mph / 100 kmh with heavy rain and thunderstorms! Go figure! The neighbor island Reunion got it very bad as it passed very close to the coast with gusts at 142 mph / 230 kmh.



Kat Scribner said...

You are doing lovely blocks with your yellows, Astrid .

Magpie's Mumblings said...

So glad you are safe! Must admit yellow isn't my favouritist (I know that's not a real word but it fits!) of colours but seeing some sunshine is a good thing right now.

Cathy said...

Great blocks with yellow, Astrid! I really love that Star. And isn’t it amazing how the colors and name of Eclipse can turn a standard Drunkard’s Path block into an eclipse? Blew my mind! So sorry about the nasty weather. Hopefully more sunny days filled with yellow are on the way for you!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your blocks all look great in yellow, Astrid! I love the cat. I'm so sorry you're dealing with cyclone weather, though - stay safe!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Great idea on working up the yellow blocks early in the month. You have so many fabulous projects in the works, Astrid. I love the Coffee with Dad- well I love them all. Have a fabulous weekend. Hugs.

Julierose said...

Beautiful solstice blocks, Astrid. Happy to know that you are safe--those were very high winds!! Your yellow blocks are all really so pretty...hugs Julierose

Sara said...

Awesome use of yellow - especially the cup with the yellow cat. So cute!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I used to hear from someone in the Reunion Island been awhile. I love all your yellow blocks

Jenny said...

Lots of pretty yellow blocks, that star block is gorgeous. Hope your weather settles down and you dont have any wind damage.

Chantal said...

Love your sun shining yellow blocks. The 32 inches block is so cool in yellow. It will be a fun quilt in the rainbow colours. Can't wait to see more of it. The cup with the cat is my kind of cup. Adorable! Happy to hear the cyclone didn't damage your place. Enjoy the sewing. ;^)

Karen S said...

Very smart to get your colour blocks done early in the month. Lovely yellows. Great fun with the coffee mugs again!

Susie H said...

Great job on knocking out so much yellow! Glad you survived Garance. I guess hunkering down for cyclones is like how we hunker down for tornadoes? Do your cyclones have a "season"?

Solomae said...

Lovely blocks Astrid! You certainly never have a shortage of scraps!

KatyTrailCreations said...

That yellow will brighten any room!! Love it!