Saturday, August 17, 2024

RSC Week #33 - ORANGE

It's already past middle August! How did that happen?! 
I've been busy with this, that and everything. Finally this week I have the time to dive into the RSC color for August; ORANGE!

As said, I've been busy sewing the last days and here's the result.

First up is the August block from Sherri McConnel 'A Quilting Life'

Block #2 - Day Into Night

Block #10 - The Coffee Shop
Don't you just love that black cat?! 

5 Four-patches

1 Friendship block

1 Bowtie block

1 Pinwheel block

2 different Nine-patches

...and if my math is right, ALL blocks - except one - are done for this quilt! 
I'm sooo looking forward to get the top done, but that won't happen now. First priority are fall and Christmas items for my Etsy Shop

Linking up with Angela and RSC - Rainbow Scrap Challenge
(I'll do that as soon as her today's post is up).

Saturday, July 20, 2024

RSC Week #29 - AQUA

How come it's second half of July already?! 
I haven't posted anything this month. July is the start of prepping Christmas items for my Etsy shop and is always a busy month. I've worked mostly on Advent Calendars, mug rugs and trivets. 

Angela at SuperScrappy has chosen AQUA for this month's RSC  (Rainbow Scrap Challenge) scrappy color, shades of blue leaning towards green. 

Hmmm.... That's a tricky color for me, as I don't have many prints in that color. I've done a mix of aqua, turquoise and teal. It's scrappy, after all! 
Let's see what has been done so far this month.

First up is July's block from Sherri McConnel 'A quilting Life'

Block #11 - Quilt Math

Block #21 - Tile Time

'Friendship' block

6 'Four-patches' 

Only a few blocks since I'm almost done, waiting for RSC Orange to complete the last blocks. 

4 Split-9 blocks

I have two aqua/turquoise approximately half yards, I may turn them into a couple of table toppers. 

Linking up with Angela and RSC - Rainbow Scrap Challenge


Saturday, June 29, 2024

RSC Week #26 - Last of the Blues

 ...for this month, that is.

It has been a busy sewing week, working on Advent Calendars for my Etsy shop.

As I mentioned in my previous post, I ran out of Silver Metallic thread for the Blue Holidays calendar. It was delivered a couple of days ago. I got to it right away and now they (3x) are waiting for binding to be attached. 

4x 'Tomten's Forest Friends' - binding to be attached

2x 'Tomten's Village - binding to be attached too

...and finally...

 ...the table runner for the buffet!
I bought a charm pack some years ago; 'Indi-Glow' by Studio Mousseau / Wilmington Prints. Never knew what to do with it, until recently. The buffet needs a new table runner and these prints are perfect. I had to trim the squares to 4-7/8", since none of them were 5x5", they were 5x4-7/8", some even smaller! So irritating! That's why I seldom buy precuts. 
As you can see, binding is missing on this one too. I found one print in my stash that can go. 

All blues stored away for this time! Waiting for Angela to announce the RSC color for July.
Update: July's color is AQUA

'Winter' has definitely arrived. It's raining almost every day and with the high humidity it feels sooo cold! It was +16C / 60.8F and 72% humidity this morning. BRRR! You are allowed to laugh! lol
Keep sewing, it keeps my fingers warm! 

Linking up with Angela and RSC - Rainbow Scrap Challenge

Saturday, June 22, 2024

RSC Week #25 - Never ending Blues

 How did it come it's midsummer already?! 
This year, so far, has flown by with record speed.

I missed last Saturday's RSC posting. We took advantage of the sunny weather and did some (never ending!) yard work. I'm glad we did, Sunday it was pouring rain, and rain showers ever since. I did grocery shopping and went for a walk this afternoon, it was pouring rain just after I returned home.

What has been going on the last two weeks? 
I've quilted and added pockets to 6 blue Advent Calendars for my Etsy Shop. Sleeves are added too. I ran out of red for binding, re-ordered and it was delivered yesterday.
I thought I had enough silver metallic thread for to quilt three other blue calendars. I'm quite organized when it comes to sewing threads, they are all in plastic containers, sorted on brands. When I found one almost empty silver metallic spool, I knew that is what I have left. It was just enough to quilt one calendar, not enough to stitch down the pockets. More is on the way, I should get it by next week. (Sorry, no photos of the calendars yet).

More Step blocks have been made for Star Streams
'Of course' I ran out of white-on-white background fabric! More is on the way, not sure when I'll get it. 

Some Zipper blocks were made too.

I'm also working on a blue table runner for the buffet in our TV-room. Hopefully I have photos for my next 'blue' blogpost. 

Linking up with Angela and the RSC - Rainbow Scrap Challenge


Saturday, June 8, 2024

RSC Week #23 - More Blues

June is a busy month here at Grandma's Red Needle. 
BLUE was selected by Angela at SuperScrappy as the RSC - Rainbow Scrap Challenge - color for June. 

I have several blue WIPs and with the head start last week, I made several blocks for some of the WIPs. 

This week I've made 

4 Scrap Jar blocks

New BOM block from Sherri McConnel, 'A Quilting Life'

I'm currently working on BLUE Advent Calendars (no photos yet) for my Etsy Shop 
I like to start early, to avoid 'stress-sewing' closer to the Advent Season. 

Linking up with Angela and RSC - Rainbow Scrap Challenge

Sunday, June 2, 2024

RSC Week #22 - BLUE for June

Welcome June! 

Goodbye PINK - Welcome BLUE
Angela at Super Scrappy has chosen BLUE for June's  RSC - Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  

Since the last Saturday in April was on 25th, we got an early start on blue

All the blocks for 'Keep the Home Fires Burning' are done:

4 Bowties

4 Nine-patches

1 Pinwheel

3 Friendships

6 Four-patches

...and then over to other blocks: 

8 Split-Nine blocks

Block #4 - Cobble Stones

Block #7 - Tidy Rows

Some of you may remember I worked on 'Star Streams' last year? 
Today (Wednesday), I dug deep in the box containing UFOs and pulled out the already made blocks. I have a few more blocks to make before I move on to the 'Step blocks'. 

These are the six different Star blocks
Update Friday; all 28 star blocks done! 

I've also made 5 'Step blocks', I was curious how they would turn out.
I have to make 23 more, total 28. 

I still have a few blocks to do; zippers and scrap jars. 
This month my goal is to get the 'Star Streams' into a flimsy. 

Linking up with Angela and RSC - Rainbow Scrap Challenge

Saturday, May 25, 2024

RSC Week #20 - No more PINK...

 ...I said, in my previous post

I have admired the Hollow 9-patch blocks some of you are making and since some 2-1/2" pink squares were hiding on the table, I decided to make a few blocks

I got 3 blocks

I've been lurking at Pat Sloan's '182 Day Solstice Challenge Blocks' for some time and I really love how her quilt turned out. Isn't it pretty? 
Today (Thursday) I decided to jump into it and make a few pink blocks! It doesn't harm to use up more stash, does it?! 
From left; 

Block #1 - Churndash
Block #3 - Tide Pool
Block #23 - Eureka

There are 25 blocks and I'll do them in RSC (Rainbow Scrap Challenge)

Now the table is free from pink! lol

Linking up with Angela and the Rainbow Scrap Challenge

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Pineapple Quilt under the Needle and Other UFO updates

My 2024 goal is to finish some UFOs.
Beginning January, my UFO list looked like this! Not very uplifting, right?!
There has been other funnier things to work on and that famous squirrel has popped in off and on too! 

No more pink RSC for me (here and here)! Except a small update to be posted Saturday. That means I can concentrate on other pending things. 

Yesterday I pulled out the scrappy pineapple quilt. It was already thread basted (last year), and set aside because I wasn't sure how to quilt it. I didn't feel for doing the easy meandering or loopy swirls quilting, it needed to be something else. 

Then I came across Mary Huey's blogpost where she shows how she has quilted a pineapple quilt. Her quilt is beautiful, isn't it?!
I tried to follow her diagram, first the 'green line'. Poop! Mathematics and such have never been my thing, I could not figure out how it was done! Worst brain fart ever!!! 

Well, I did start eventually, the light areas, where I've quilted 'diamonds'. I've done the short side and two rows on the long side. So far I like it. At least I was able to do it (short side) from one side to the other in one go. It's here I messed up, so for the long side I have to quilt one 'diamond' at a time (more threads to bury! Sigh!). 
I have to figure out how I want to do the dark areas. On my domestic 'dear Nina', I'm not going to attempt the 'twist and turn' red lines as you can see in Huey's diagram! That would be too much wrestling! 

Here's an update of finished UFOs: 

#23 - Norwegian Flag Table Runner - finished January 9, 2024
#10 - Blue & White Irish Chain Quilt - finished January 2024
#24 - Small Gnome Quilt - finished May 2024
#20 - Bases Loaded Purple Quilt - finished May 13, 2024

I was going to take photos today, but the weather does not cooperate; rain showers and gusts up to 31 mph. 

...and this is 'Miss Sophie', checking out my sewing extension table and ruler! She's a rescue, feral Cat-Mama left her in our garden. I believe she's born middle January, still a crazy loving kitty! 


Saturday, May 11, 2024

RSC Week 19 - more PINK

 It's PINK - again! 
Pink is May's chosen color for the RSC - Rainbow Scrap Challenge 

I ran out of background fabric for the BOM from Sherri McConnel; 'A Quilting Life'
For the previous blocks I have used Moda Marbles 'cream' (not available anymore). 
Instead, I purchased 'Baby White', which is slightly more yellowish, but that's OK. It's scrappy, after all! 

When I joined RSC last year (2023), I sorted most of my fabrics on color. 
After I made Arreli's quilt, I don't have much pink left. I had to dig deep into my stash and found only one I had missed earlier and one I knew about (purchased for a custom order), just enough to make the outer border on this block. 

Love this block, but it was a pain to make with all its HSTs! 
...and I think this is the last pink for me, this month!

Linking up with Angela and RSC - Rainbow Scrap Challenge

Saturday, May 4, 2024

RSC Week 18 - PINK for May

 Welcome May! 
May already! How did that happen?! 

Angela at Super Scrappy has chosen PINK for May's RSC - Rainbow Scrap Challenge.

This year, I'm making different blocks in the RSC colors. 
As I have mentioned earlier, I like to do all the blocks at the beginning of each month so that I can concentrate on other things when the blocks are done.

Since the last Saturday in April was on 27th, we got a head start on Pink! 

All the blocks for 'Keep the Home Fires Burning' are done 

6 four-patches

3 Friendship blocks

Different 9-patches

2 Pinwheel blocks

5 Bowties blocks
(note that I did get the bowties right this time! lol)

8 Split 9s

4 Scrap Jars

Zipper blocks

Since I used up most pink yardage for Arreli's quilt (last year), I had only three pink fabrics to cut the long strips and squares for these blocks. 

May's BOM block - Sherri McConnel, 'A Quilting Life', will be published Monday, May 6th.

Linking up with Angela and the RSC - Rainbow Scrap Challenge


Thursday, May 2, 2024

Pin in the Quilt - YIKES!

Finally! A UFO is under the needle!

This quilt was a result of the RSC - Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2023.
I had all those purples I wanted to use and ended up making two purple quilts. 
After the tops were done, both were put away. The main reason I wasn't sure how to quilt them. 

2-3 weeks ago I pulled the tops out from their 'hiding places' and got both sandwiched. The biggest one, the one I'm currently quilting, has a partly pieced backing (to use up more purple). It wasn't enough for the backing (no other fabric in my stash suitable), I did purchase a 108" wide backing, just enough for both quilts. 

To get a pieced backing straight can be a real PITA! 
Fortunate I have a big dinner table turned into my sewing table. I tape part of the backing to the table, mark the center and the four sides. I mark the backing center with a long pin, then add the batting and top. Since I always thread baste quilts before quilting, I have figured out long pins are much better (for me) compared to safety pins to hold the three layers together before thread basting. 
I don't have any photos from the preparation for this quilt. However, I did a blog post some years ago, for another quilt. To get an idea how it works for me. 

I'm very careful to remove all the pins after the quilt is thread basted.

I thought I had removed all pins on this one, but to my surprise and horror (!), the pin in the center of the backing was overseen! Yikes! It was between the batting and backing!
I noticed the pin when I started quilting (I start quilting from the center). Thank goodness I discovered it before the quilting was done at that specific area! 
I had to open up some of the thread basting from one end to the center, put my hand between the backing and batting to get that darn pin out! 
(the photo shows the pin after it was removed from inside the layers).

This quilt seems taking F-O-R-E-V-E-R to quilt! 
I decided on straight seams, which I think suits the quilt. It is made of HST (Half-Square-Triangles) in scrappy white / cream and a variety of purples. All the white /cream is quilted.

 I decided to quilt inside each purple HST! My goodness me! Why did I decide on that?! Because I know it'll look good when it's done! 

Variety of purple Masterpiece and King Tut being used for the HST.
(Sneak peek of the backing).

Threads to be buried by hand, because I don't like the look done on the sewing machine. 
My goal was getting it done by April. That didn't happen! New goal date; middle May!